Jim Doran is a genre writer who has been published in Havok, Every Day Fiction, and Ye Olde Dragon’s horror and fairy tale anthologies. He resides in Michigan.
Squeaky-clean Martina Ramirez is about to commit her first crime with a group of six schoolmates—breaking and entering into an abandoned movie theater.
But the trespassers soon find themselves trapped inside, and while desperately trying to discover a way out, a projector starts playing a film introduction to a vintage episode of a horror series named Forlorn Harbor. When the introduction ends, one of the group becomes trapped within the film.
The only method of escape is to survive the episode, but Forlorn Harbor doesn’t play fair. As the terrifying night wears on, the projector displays more episodes, ensnaring the others one by one.
And as Martina’s turn arrives, she must face her own ominous trial…alone.